Monolithic Vs Microservices Architecture: Which Is Best for Your Application?

投稿日:2022年12月30日(金) 13時08分 by eo カテゴリー:Software development.



This increases the agility of the application running on microservices and significantly reduces the time for microservice applications to reach the market. Having read through the comparisons and pros and cons above, the next step is to decide which software architecture is best for your organization and your project. Let’s examine why you should choose a monolithic architecture and compare that with why you should choose a microservices architecture.

Many projects initially start out as a monolith and then evolve into a microservice architecture. As new features are added to a monolith, it may start to become cumbersome to have many developers working on a singular codebase. Code conflicts become more frequent and the risk of updates to one feature introducing bugs in an unrelated feature increases. When these undesirable patterns arise, it may be time to consider a migration to microservices.


Using one executable means there’s only one application you need to set up for logging, monitoring, and testing. To learn more about how to build agile applications, download your free copy of theAgile Applications Architecture ebook. Application services, which are used to develop and deploy apps.

monolithic architecture vs microservices

Therefore, there is always a risk of compromising each domain’s boundaries. A single change in monolithic architecture might affect several parts of the system and even down the system. Because of these advantages, many startups start their journey with a monolithic architecture. Because advantages of microservices over monolithic of limited funding, they give attention to fitting their products with the customer base as soon as possible. Microservices are a set of loosely decoupled services to support larger application deployments. There’s much less complexity when working with a single executable.

Advantages of monolithic architecture for business

If you want to scale your database, things become more difficult. The only way to scale a database is vertical scaling, and this means pushing up the cost further. However, in a microservices-based architecture, every microservice should have its own database, which provides a more scalable distribution of the data. Therefore, it is possible to scale databases that need scaling horizontally. Designing a system as microservices just because everyone else is doing that is not a logical idea.

Changes to the technology stack are expensive, both in terms of the time and cost involved. With a single codebase, monolithic apps can easily handle cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, configuration management and performance monitoring. A legacy monolith may work perfectly well, and breaking it down may not be worth the trouble. But as organizations grow and the demands on their applications increase, microservices architecture can be worthwhile. Microservices are less secure relative to monolithic applications due to the inter-services communication over the network. Here, the microservices communicate with each other directly and there is no central dependency for communication such as ESB in SOA.

Architecture Of Microservices – Microservice ArchitectureI know the architecture looks a bit complex, but let me simplify it for you. Each service can be furthered refactored into smaller services, having their own microservices. The following are some guidelines to be followed while discussing microservices.

  • Therefore, microservices ensure an increase in revenue thanks to efficient approaches toward process management.
  • But as organizations grow and the demands on their applications increase, microservices architecture can be worthwhile.
  • Since the microservices architecture has some serious difficulties involved.
  • Software updates can be performed more frequently, with improved reliability, uptime, and performance.
  • Monolithic architecture is a single, extensive, executable application.

Development tasks, such as isolating services for independent scaling or code maintainability, become more difficult. These organizations know that the core of any enterprise application is the business logic that carries out the business rules. And a microservice architecture distributes business logic among various services. There are other reasons as well to migrate from monolithic to microservices. Of course, this duplication adds complexity, so it must be balanced against the gains in agility and performance, but this is accepted as a reality of microservices design. Service independence increases an application’s resistance to failure.

Monolithic vs Microservices Comparison: Which is the Best Architecture?

In this article, we’ll discuss how refactoring and migrating work. A monolithic application, on the other hand, has a single database. Therefore, if all the resources are in use, it is not possible to scale the application. It is also not easy to incorporate new software that uses different languages. Microservices allow developers to integrate other applications and systems easily. This action allows the application to deliver additional services.

With microservices, individuals of a team can work on individual modules. Each individual can build a module and deploy a module independently, thereby reducing the team’s operational friction and increasing the software delivery’s agility. Service modules in monolithic applications are tightly coupled. Business logic is tightly entangled and makes it difficult to isolate the application, and hence scalability becomes a challenge. Numerous tools do facilitate easy development and deployment strategies. Developers need to perform a single chunk of deployable code instead of making updates in separate entities.

Microservices are best described as a cluster of apps or services where each one operates independently and work together through an application programming interface . Each microservice is isolated and performs a specific action based on its own data sources. The microservices communicate among themselves through the use of an API. An application programming interface is a set of instructions that allow users to call the application and receive requested data.

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Your pipeline can have lesser or larger circles depending on the environment’s diversity comparing monolith architecture. The deployment topology is often much simpler with a monolith than with a microservices architecture. Unlike a single monolithic application, DevOps teams must ensure microservices can talk to one another. Developers need to deploy an interservice communication mechanism to support the app. Microservice size is relative to the project and overall application. However, loose coupling and service separation make microservices and the entire application architecture easier to understand.

In this example, the user accesses the user interface, which then connects to each microservice independently when, and only when, they are needed. If the website suddenly sees a lot of traffic, the catalog service can be scaled up, with other microservices being scaled as much or as little as needed. Business logic is the core of microservices, with each service built around a business capability rather than a technical capability.

monolithic architecture vs microservices

The most important tool we built was Microscope, our own internal service catalog to track all the microservices. Every developer at Atlassian can use Microscope to see all the information of any microservice in the company. Adopting microservices often goes hand in hand with DevOps, since they are the basis for continuous delivery practices that allow teams to adapt quickly to user requirements.

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The microservices architecture has a completely different approach to the monolithic. Here, the application comprises small services, which are independent units. The units perform their own processes and communicate with each other using lightweight mechanisms.

Moreover, individual software applications and programs help enterprises to be more effective and productive. It for this reason that there is a push to create enhanced applications that will lead to business efficiencies and growth. In the end, microservices are part of the comprehensive shift to DevOps that many organizations are working towards. DevOps environments promote strong collaborations between development and operations teams to make IT become more agile—so the business is agile, too. Microservices are an excellent option for situations where developers can’t fully predict what devices will be accessed by the application in the future.

Small business

Once the build process is streamlined, you should remove the monoliths’ modular dependencies. You may have to refactor your code to achieve this level of decoupling. Before delving deeper into the other aspects of these two conventions, let’s first understand the Microservices vs Monoliths architectures.

If your domain is vast and the business logic you need to implement is ambiguous, you may want to start with building microservices. No, each microservice can have its own tech stack, allowing developers to choose the right technology, frameworks, and libraries ideally suited for each module. Effective microservices requires multiple people with expertise in specific services, technologies or frameworks as well as those who have experience in how to bring it all together to work well. Monolithic apps are simple to develop, but over time tend to become large, difficult to manage, and complex to update. Monolithic architecture and microservices can be built with the same set of skills.

Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture

Instead of method calls in monoliths, microservices must use an interprocess communication mechanism. This means sending and receiving calls over networks needs more time than calls inside in monoliths. As mentioned before, a single error in monolith architecture has the potential to down the whole system. You need to avoid this in your microservice architecture because you want to design your system as available as possible. By using a microservice approach, it is possible to scale only the part of the architecture that needs scaling and leave the remaining parts with minimal resources, optimizing costs and resources. Just like everything in life, monolithic architectures also have their benefits and drawbacks.


