FinTech Category

Пресейл: что это такое и чем занимается presale-менеджер, как оценить проект и отследить эффективность предпродажи

9月 29th, 2023 by eo in FinTech

Какой актив сейчас можно без проблем передать из любой страны мира, хоть, в Иран, хоть, в Венесуэлу, хоть, в Россию? Если раньше в условиях нестабильной экономической обстановки люди, “знающие выходы” делали капиталы на обмене валюты, то сейчас, от фиатной валюты идёт массовый отказ. Пользователи устали от огромных комиссий за SWIFT-переводы и ощущения постоянного волнения, потому что, пока твой перевод в пути, деньги не в безопасности.

При его разработке менеджеры учитывают не только интересы бизнеса, но и пожелания клиента. Перед заключением сделки менеджеры проводят мероприятия, которые увеличивают шансы продажи. Это не просто дополнительные меры, а отдельный блок работы. С его помощью менеджеры открывают новые возможности для взаимодействия с клиентами и увеличения прибыли.

Блоки создаются раз в определенный промежуток времени, у большинства криптовалют он разный. Например, в блокчейне биткоина блок генерируется раз в 10 минут. Блок, после формирования, добавляется к ранее найденным блокам, соединенным в цепочку. Токен — это цифровой актив, который имеет отношение к конкретному проекту и выпущен на базе криптовалюты.

  • Аналитик участвует в работе над предложением и знакомит команду с предполагаемыми временными затратами на разных этапах активности.
  • Часто употребляется в отношении мошеннических ICO- или HYIP-проектов, когда они прекращают выплаты.
  • Он помогает понять, есть ли вообще смысл браться за проект или его продолжать, если он уже начат.
  • Пресейл также может нанести ущерб авторитету компании, если большое количество токенов продается по низким ценам.

Соответственно, чем мощнее оборудование, тем выше его хешрейт (может уже измеряться в килохеш, мегахеш, гигахеш в секунду и т.д.). Чем у свечи длиннее тень, тем шире был диапазон покупок и продаж на выбранном тайм-фрейме. Торговля на рынке без плеч, вне маржинального рынка, только за свои собственные, а не кредитные деньги.

Фактически означает жадность трейдера и стремление купить криптовалюту, которая динамично растет в цене. Максимально высокий курс стоимости актива на графике в определенный промежуток времени. Ситуация, при которой вторая сторона не выполняет свои обязательства перед инвесторами, в первую очередь – финансовые. Часто употребляется в отношении мошеннических ICO- или HYIP-проектов, когда они прекращают выплаты. В таком случае говорят, что проект «соскамился» или «скаманул».

Массовые продажи, иногда сопровождаются или являются предвестником дампа. Если продавать поздно, не на хаях, то может означать упущенную выгоду или потерю денег. Объединение майнеров в группы с целью ускорения добычи криптовалюты.

Как приватный, так и открытый ключ находится под контролем сервиса. Цепочка блоков, содержащая информацию обо всех транзакциях в сети. Глобально блокчейн это децентрализованная сеть, распределенный реестр, выполняющий роль бухгалтерской книги для всех транзакций.

Presale и почему он важен для IT-компании

Если блокчейн перегружен большим количеством транзакций, иногда необходимо ожидать первого подтверждения дольше обычного. Самый низкий курс стоимости актива на графике в определенный промежуток времени. Термин, означающий изменение курса актива в сторону, обратную тренду. Это инструмент технического анализа (ТА), который помогает торговцам прогнозировать изменение цены актива и направление ее движения. Каждая торговая площадка предлагает огромное количество индикаторов. Наиболее часто при торговле активами используют индикаторы RSI, MACD, MA, Stochastic и др.

В идеале, менеджер по продажам вместе с пресейлом заранее готовятся к встрече, собирают информацию о возможном покупателе, особенностях отрасли компании. Продумываются варианты продукта, которые могут заинтересовать заказчика. Хорошо подготовленная эскизная презентация проекта, адаптированного под конкретного заказчика, поможет заинтересовать его. Нужно также продумать перечень вопросов, которые необходимо будет задать будущему клиенту для лучшего понимания его потребностей и требований.

История Tether (USDT)

Создавая свои объявления, вы, соответственно, в праве выставлять свой курс и свои условия проведения сделки. Разница в цене активов образуется не только из-за экономической нестабильности, на неё влияет множество других параметров, о которых мы поговорим в статье. Этот вид заработка не был так популярен ввиду низкой осведомлённости населения о криптовалютах. Справедливости ради, даже сейчас большинство даже успешно торгующих арбитражников не являются экспертами в крипте. Кто-то начинает зарабатывать, даже толком не разобравшись, как выставлять ордера на Binance. Но мы не сторонники такого подхода, поэтому присаживайтесь поудобней, мы начинаем.

пресейл в крипте это

Как говорилось выше, средний процент конверсий у IT-компаний составляет 10–15 %. Если в фирме трудится команда пресейл-аналитиков, то данный показатель может подняться до 50 %. Одним из самых продуктивных, но в то же время самым дорогим инструментом является выделение этапа пресейла в отдельное направление. Для этого будет необходимо нанять квалифицированных сотрудников и постоянно обучать их, чтобы они могли использовать свои знания для увеличения процента конверсии.

Соответственно проектного менеджера не привлекают к пресейлу, так как не видят смысла его отвлекать на подобную задачу. Sales сам или вместе с кем-то из технарей просчитает и потом «скинет» проект на плечи этого самого PM-а. Менеджмент pre-sales состоит в грамотной организации работы технических специалистов, которые работают в связке с менеджерами по продажам. Нужно ido в крипте это правильно подобрать работников с необходимой квалификацией (или обучить имеющихся сотрудников). Предпродажная подготовка так же важна, как и действия во время заключения сделки. Клиент в поисках оптимального решения рассылает свой запрос по нескольким компаниям, и чем быстрее и грамотнее вы отреагируете на его потребности, тем выше шанс совершения покупки.

пресейл в крипте это

Те активы, которые “легко передвигаются” в таких условиях, и будут интересны людям, зарабатывающим на арбитраже. Такие программы тоже сравнивают котировки выбранных активов на разных криптовалютных биржах, но их нужно скачивать на компьютер или мобильное устройство. Такой вид арбитража дает ощутимые результаты на сильных движениях рынка. Обычно сделки совершаются при формировании новостных импульсов.

Позже, когда высокую популярность набрала платформа Ethereum, было принято решение привязать к ней часть эмиссии Tether. В итоге компания Tether Limited выпустила токены стандарта ERC-20 (в январе 2018 года). К недостаткам USDT можно отнести риски, связанные с проблемами резервирования. В сети есть немало информации о том, что Tether Limited имеет обеспечение примерно для 70% созданных токенов. А в официальной документации компании указано, что USDT не является платежным инструментом или деньгами.

Статистика говорит о том, что на торговые программы сейчас приходится до 99% арбитражных сделок. Список можно продолжать, но главное во всем этом понять, что грамотный пресейл невозможно сделать без участия PM-а и профильных технических специалистов. — Вообще я sales, но при этом еще провожу пресейл, а порой и помогаю с сопровождением проектов. Это пример классической ситуации, которая возникает по причине плохо выполненной предпродажной подготовки или, как принято называть во многих компаниях, Presale. Если вы пришли к выводу, что вам не хватит одного пресейл-аналитика для эффективной работы и нужно формировать отдел, то важно понимать, сотрудники каких направлений потребуются. Также пресейл эффективен, когда необходимо познакомить аудиторию или клиента с новым продуктом или услугой или привлечь внимание к какому-то событию.

Cheap Forex VPS Hosting for Trading FREE DDoS Protection

9月 10th, 2022 by eo in FinTech

With a VPS, you do not need to worry about hardware constraints like upgrading components, technical faults, etc. We take care of the machine’s maintenance, so that you can focus on your core business. Training & Certification Develop your expertise with the training and certifications available to OVHcloud Partner Program members. High Grade Servers The most powerful servers, optimised for critical loads.

What is Forex VPS

You can connect to the same trading account from multiple VPS services at a time and have different expert advisors trade there from different terminals. However, some Forex brokers offer “free” VPS to traders on some condition — e.g., a minimum deposit, a minimum number of trades per month, and so on. That isn’t entirely free, but this allows you to save the money you would otherwise spend on your VPS plan. With IBM servers, SAN technology, Cisco networking, and VMware for virtualisation, BeeksFX offers a banking-grade infrastructure to retail traders. This includes direct fiber connections between racks and the data centre for sub-1 millisecond latency. These Forex trading platforms are fit for any organization—whether you’re enterprise-level or a fast-growing startup.

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At JavaPipe, you can manage your VPS’s OS—we even offer managed plans with cPanel access. If you’re a forex trader, there’s a good chance you use Metatrader to place trades. Our VPS options are custom-built for compatibility with Metatrader .

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With JavaPipe, you can host your website on the cloud with Tomcat for easy management and redundancy, all while gaining the benefits of a shared environment. The cheapest option is the Founder option in the basic plan, which is $40/month and can accommodate one user. Setup is beginner-friendly too, but in case you still need help, there’s a helpful technical support team you can reach out to 24/7. You can easily switch between trading from your PC to your phone with a VPS server. To find out everything you need to know about VPS solutions, please visit our FAQ page.

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VPS Server also offers you a FREE 7-day trial of their standard package, along with a money-back guarantee. Their pricing starts at $24.99/month for 2GB RAM, 2 CPUs, 2TB transfers, and 50GB disk space. Their VPS servers are built to make everything easy to understand and use. VPS Server provides exceptional security standards by using the latest technologies and tools to protect your servers against malicious and DDoS attacks. Feel like you are sitting next to your broker as Cloudzy leverages top forex server locations in the world closer to the trading hubs with maximum availability and reliable connectivity. Their basic plans cost $29.99/month for 2GB RAM, 60GB SSD, 1 CPU, and auto MT4/MT5 start-up, among other features.

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There are several advantages to using a VPS for automated trading, such as the continuous internet connection and a faster execution speed. Some VPS services are extremely powerful, offering significantly higher CPU and Ram speeds — meaning you can react to market events in a millisecond. There’s a whole host of benefits to using a VPS for automated trading, like your continuous internet connection and even faster execution speed. Forex VPS allows traders to install their EA software on a dedicated server that operates 24/7 without interruptions and is separate from the computer of the trader. The main problems solved for traders by VPS hosting are latency, Internet and power outages, hardware failures, and device errors. This should make it easier for traders to understand why it is recommended to opt for a VPS hosting for their expert advisors when they can afford it.

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This makes switching PCs easy and makes access available from any internet-connected device. While financial centres like London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Sydney, and New York still dominate, it’s increasingly common for traders to be on the top of a mountain in India or on a beach in Thailand. When a trade server is executing trades in less than one millisecond, that’s 500 times the delay added by a slow internet connection.

What is Forex VPS

There are certainly some risks involved if you deal with a shady or unprofessional VPS provider. Although it is impossible for the VPS operator to steal funds from your Forex trading account, they could copy your strategy or your expert advisor. Poor quality VPS could also result in significant deterioration of your EA’s performance. However, when working with a good professional VPS provider, your trading account and robots become much safer than they can ever be on your home PC. Latency can be caused by poor performance of the software, so it’s vital to ensure it has all the hardware resources it will ever need and then some.

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Secondly, the stability of the internet connections can vary from country to country, putting traders at a disadvantage depending on the connection possibilities available to them at their location. Trading from a virtual machine offers a stable alternative as well as a potentially faster trade route. There are cheap Forex VPS hosting services that offer VPS specially adapted to Forex trading. The best Forex VPS would ensure at least 99.9% uptime, secure remote desktop connections, high-speed 1Gbps servers with enough CPU cores, RAM, and fast storage to run the trading software.

What is Forex VPS

Meta’s Spent $36 Billion on the Metaverse the iPhone and Xbox Cost Way Less.

4月 30th, 2022 by eo in FinTech

Snap’s AR business is still in its beginning stages, and management hasn’t shed much light on its revenue and profit potential. But the company’s early-mover advantage should position it for success as the opportunity expands. The company boasts a 90% penetration rate among 13- to 24-year-olds in established markets like the U.S., U.K., and Australia.

How much is metaverse stock

Some are skeptical as to whether the metaverse will actually matter in a few years. Others believe it will happen over time, building a sort of framework for a society that’s more interconnected than ever before. Other aspects of the metaverse may include real-time 3D computer graphics, personalized avatars, person-to-person social interactions, and the exchange of virtual goods for currency. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two technologies essential to the metaverse.

Where can I buy metaverse stocks?

While games like Fortnite and Roblox, or platforms like Facebook and Geocities, may seem a tempting explanation for the metaverse, it’s much more nuanced. The common theme among Unity Software, Nvidia, and Roblox is they aren’t necessarily consumer-facing metaverse stocks. Rather they are selling the picks and shovels to the miners attempting to strike gold in this alternate reality.

How much is metaverse stock

It can leverage its Spectacles hardware into metaverse usage as well. Given Snap’s inability to execute over the years, however, these metaverse ambitions might never amount to much. That’s especially true as Snap now appears to be pivoting toward AI applications, as well. Being a content delivery network, Theta is conceptually similar to Cloudflare. However, it could theoretically deliver metaverse content faster because it’s physically stored closer to the consumer. The project started as a way to livestream VR video games and has quickly captured the attention of Alphabet (GOOG -1.8%)(GOOGL -1.89%) and Samsung.

Best metaverse stocks to buy in 2023

Our goal is to create the best possible product, and your thoughts, ideas and suggestions play a major role in helping us identify opportunities to improve. Finder monitors and updates our site to ensure that what we’re sharing is clear, honest and current. Our information is based on independent research and may differ from what you see from a financial institution or service provider. When comparing offers or services, verify relevant information with the institution or provider’s site. Meta’s sales reached $33.7 billion, more than the $33.4 billion forecasted. In a call with investors after disclosing Meta’s results, Mr. Zuckerberg, Meta’s chief executive, appeared to acknowledge the difficulties.

  • Growth in the metaverse will likely incorporate augmented reality (AR), which is a technology that synergizes real life with computer-generated images.
  • Leading AI company OpenAI partnered with Microsoft because its cloud-computing product Azure provides the necessary power and storage to scale AI applications to a massive audience.
  • Apex Clearing Corporation, our clearing firm, has additional insurance coverage in excess of the regular SIPC limits.
  • Meta Platforms has already invested in a number of products that could eventually act as a gateway to the metaverse.
  • But he also defended the shift toward the metaverse and said his company had weathered challenges before.

It was the first time that Meta revealed the results of its hardware division. In the past, the company had not broken out those numbers because products like virtual-reality headsets were a small part of its overall business, which is dependent on social networking and digital advertising. Investing $10 billion in the metaverse is more than five times the amount of money Facebook paid to purchase the Oculus VR business in 2014 and 10 times what it paid to buy Instagram in 2012. Over the past five years, the total return for shareholders has been 84%.

A solid way to invest in the metaverse

Abbott Laboratories has a deep and diversified presence in healthcare, especially in its medical-devices area of expertise. The company’s results have been somewhat volatile in recent years due to its diagnostics segment, which has seen its revenue fluctuate based on COVID-19 cases. In the first quarter, the company’s revenue of about $10 billion declined by 11.4% year over year for this reason. Apple (AAPL) is another company looking to the metaverse to enhance its already incredible results. Rumor has it that the company is set to launch its AR/VR headset sometime in 2022, with a lighter, sleeker upgrade to follow in 2024.

From a mathematical perspective, Meta would need to grow its revenue and earnings per share by 23% each year for its stock to increase 400% between now and 2030. That’s assuming its current price-to-earnings and price-to-sales multiples remain constant. That’s likely because Snap hasn’t become consistently profitable.


But its expense ratio (fee) is a smidge lower, which might make it more attractive to some investors. With so many aspects to choose from, there’s likely a metaverse stock to fit any investor’s style and risk tolerance. Intuitive Surgical had a solid quarter, but its long-term prospects are even more attractive. Despite making tremendous progress in the RAS market, fewer than 5% of eligible procedures are performed robotically.

How much is metaverse stock

Revenue surged 80% year over year to $533 million, even beating management’s guidance. Yet Unity has been plagued by losses, though it became profitable on a pro forma basis in last year’s fiscal fourth quarter. Unity also became free cash flow positive in the second quarter and plans to build on that foundation as well. Here’s why both stocks have the potential to grow your money fivefold by the end of this decade, despite their differing strategies. Roblox generated revenue of roughly $924 million in 2020, but management estimates put its market opportunity at $600 billion, which suggests a vast opportunity remains.

Meta spent $10 billion on the metaverse in 2021, dragging down profit.

These brokerage services are offered by broker-dealers other than Public Investing, who may pay us a referral fee or other compensation. Please see Open to the Public Investing’s Fee Schedule to learn more. I have my doubts about whether the metaverse will be a viable experience long term.

How much is metaverse stock

The Ultimate Guide To The Crypto Tax In The UK 2022

4月 9th, 2022 by eo in FinTech

Of course, if these fees gain in value from the time of acquisition, they will be subject to CGT. Conversely, the accrued value will be counted for trading use cases. You have already heard of Bitcoin using up as much electricity as a country.

Taxes on crypto assets in the UK

Consequently, you might end up paying higher than you are supposed to. The key proposal is to define taxable income from the sale or exchange of virtual currencies as the sum of the profits realized during the year, minus any losses realized during the year. In order to calculate your capital gain, you need to subtract the cost basis from the gross income.

Do I need to pay taxes on cryptocurrency in the UK?

Therefore, you should balance out the cost of hiring an accountant with the value of activity you generate with cryptoassets. On the other hand, Romania charges a 10% tax on all cryptocurrency earnings above €126 annually. For example, Marriage Allowance provides an opportunity to free up £1,250 of your personal allowance to your partner. However, such conditions only apply if your income level is under the minimum for taxes to hit — £12,500.

Many exchanges operating in the UK are required to comply with Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulations, which means they collect personal information on their users. If HMRC requests this information, the exchanges are likely to comply. As an employee, it’s important to keep records of the cryptocurrency received and its value in pounds, ensuring that your employer is fulfilling their tax obligations.

Streamline Your Tax Calculation

If the estate includes cryptocurrency, it will be subject to the same inheritance tax rules as any other asset. It’s worth noting that the executor of the estate has a responsibility to ensure that the estate’s tax liabilities are settled before distributing the assets to the beneficiaries. A useful guideline for determining crypto income is whether the assets in your wallet or exchange account have increased in value since you first acquired them. If they have, the additional coins or assets in your wallet are regarded as ordinary income and taxed based on their value when you gained control of them. If you already earn over the personal allowance of £12,570, you’ll need to pay at least 20% tax on your crypto income. Note that this article is principally concerned with the most common form of cryptocurrency, sometimes known as the exchange token .

Taxes on crypto assets in the UK

Find out how HMRC will tax people who use cryptoassets such as cryptocurrency or bitcoin. Group each type of token you own into pools and work out a pooled cost. The pooled costs include purchase price, transaction fees, advertising for a buyer or seller, drawing up a contract for a transaction and making a valuation so you can work out your gain for that transaction.

Frequently asked questions about the UK crypto tax

They also have the Know Your Customer information you provided when signing up for any of your UK exchanges or wallets. If you receive airdropped crypto in exchange for carrying out a service, this will be classed as miscellaneous income. If you use a computer to verify transactions in the blockchain, any rewards you receive are classed as miscellaneous income. If an exchange token is co-owned between two or more beneficial owners, HMRC considers that each beneficial owner’s interest in the asset will be where that beneficial owner is resident.

  • It is vital to understand that HMRC may conduct compliance checks and, in such cases, they may request to see your transaction records.
  • Of course, there is a wide range of tax reliefs and allowances to take advantage of, so you are not hit with the full brunt of taxation.
  • Most governments around the world have taken a similar position with the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin as a capital asset.
  • If you are claiming means-tested benefits, such as tax credits or universal credit, you will need to consider how your cryptoasset activity is treated for these benefits separately.

If your mining is classed as a business, the income will be added to your trading profits and be subject to Income Tax deductions. As cryptocurrency is classed as an asset in the UK, when you sell, spend or swap it, this is subject to Capital Gains Tax as its seen as disposal of an asset. Here we explain crypto Capital Gains Tax, crypto Income Tax, and how to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency. Whenever you make a taxable event from crypto investing activity, you trigger a tax reporting requirement. According to a report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , the first possible taxable event related to a unit of virtual currency arises when it is created.

If you receive tokens from mining

That means that if you have an annual income of £50,000, only £37,430 will be taxed. Do be mindful that when determining your income band, you will need to take into account all of your sources of income. This includes wages, salaries, crypto income, and all other streams that qualify as income. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, HMRC also applies income tax to crypto profits. These will usually be examples of earning the currency in exchange for goods and services, rather than it appreciating in value while owning it. Over the past several years, and especially in 2021, cryptocurrencies have become a significant factor in the financial world.

Taxes on crypto assets in the UK

Depending on the time you’ve seen such a headline, the comparative country could range from Argentina to Switzerland. This enormous energy expenditure is expanded on the so-called mining. Of course, there is a wide range of tax reliefs and allowances to take advantage of, so you are not hit with the full brunt of taxation. Learn more about Consensus 2024, CoinDesk’s longest-running and most influential event that brings together all sides of crypto, blockchain and Web3. Where we list or describe different products and services, we try to give you the information you need to help you compare them and choose the right product or service for you.


This includes crypto exchanges and trading platforms operating in the UK. The taxation is somewhat synonymous to businesses whose business is to trade financial instruments such as shares and securities. The new regime covers income or capital gains from trading, staking, mining, validation, salary or other payments made in crypto, and issuance of any token that meets the above definition of cryptoassets. In fact, any transaction in which you are disposing of your cryptocurrency will trigger a capital gains tax.

IMF eyes tens of billions in crypto asset taxes, has few suggestions for collecting them – Cointelegraph

IMF eyes tens of billions in crypto asset taxes, has few suggestions for collecting them.

Posted: Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:01:58 GMT [source]

This would mean that income tax and National Insurance would be payable on your profits, rather than capital gains tax. Further, failure to align how transactions are viewed for corporation tax and VAT purposes could also cause issues. We explain below what triggers the need to pay capital gains tax and how to calculate the gain. Cryptocurrency is treated as a capital asset, like stocks, rather than cash. That means if you sell cryptocurrency at a profit, you’ll have to pay capital gains taxes.

Selling NFT art why you as an artist should be selling NFTs

12月 30th, 2021 by eo in FinTech

Huntley compared his work to an art project from Pauline Pantsdown, and hoped the site would help educate users on what NFTs are and are not. They uploaded (known as “minting” in the NFT scene) and sold the video as an NFT. The person who destroyed the artwork, who called themselves “Burnt Banksy”, described the act as a way to transfer a physical work of art to the NFT space.

What can be sold as NFT art

Another example would be a $10 bill signed by a celebrity – it can no longer be swapped with another $10 bill for an equivalent value. NFTs also provide something that has never been done before in the art world. Because NFTs are built on the blockchain, the concept of artistic scarcity is now written into code for all to see. NFTs revolutionize concepts of authenticity, ownership, and subjective value.

This NFT Collectable was sold in an open edition as buyers were allowed to purchase any number of tokens from a unit price of US$575. NFTs give the right to the artist to license, display, rent, or sell their artwork however and wherever they deem ideal. Ultimately, the NFT space is still a new and evolving landscape, and it’s a really exciting time to be taking part in it. There is still massive potential for new projects, and we’re only just scratching the surface of the capabilities of NFTs.


With NFTs, digital art can be tokenized and have a digital certificate of ownership. NFTs have made the process of buying and selling digital art possible. Minting and selling visual artwork, music and other file-based works as NFTs may be simple, but the smokescreen of legal implications surrounding their copyrights still remains. Issues of NFT minting and ownership get even more complex when internet hosting is involved.

Some artists criticized OpenSea’s efforts, saying they are slow to respond to takedown requests and that artists are subject to support scams from users who claim to be representatives from the platform. Others argue that there is no market incentive for NFT marketplaces to crack down on plagiarism. This criticism was promoted by Australian programmer Geoffrey Huntley who created “The NFT Bay”, modeled after The Pirate Bay. The NFT Bay advertised a torrent file purported to contain 19 terabytes of digital art NFT images.

Choose the Platform

NFTs are making art accessible to a larger and virtual audience, paving the way for a generation of collectors. “I had worked on a new series ‘Folk SciFi’, and I remember minting it on 31 May 2021 – my first ever NFT up for sale. NFTs potentially offer the way to end this doubt for both digital and physical works of art. For the latter, a detailed “fingerprint” scan of the painting, sculpture or installation could be attached to an NFT, potentially creating an unbreakable, verifiable link.

  • And NFTs are a more accessible way to show your works to people around the world.
  • The blockchain may be a digital network, but it lives on actual hardware.
  • Before, art collecting and selling happened generally in physical spaces, during exhibitions, auctions.
  • The majority of NFTs are taking place on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • So even if the NFT links to the version of the work through someone else, the right to reproduce and distribute remains solely with the creator.

You receive 85% of your total sale price since the platform takes a 15% commission on all primary sales. That said, you receive a 10% royalty on any secondary sales of your NFT indefinitely. If you believe your art is high-quality and you want it to be perceived as such, Nifty Gateway is one of the most premium NFT platforms where you can sell your digital art.

You cannot spend a fraction of your NFT or send a percentage of it to another NFT holder. The first thing that is required in order to begin your journey and gain profit from selling NFT art is a crypto wallet. In this digital age, NFT art which uses the Ethereum blockchain is the future, as the market is endlessly growing. Thanks to the revolutionary evolution of blockchain, anyone with an internet connection can buy, collect and sell NFTs. Non-Fungible Tokens have been around since 2014 but have recently gained popularity.

Choose an NFT marketplace

And what’s something whose value you can count on and need to guarantee the authenticity of? In the last two years, the Indian art industry and artists’ collectives have bought into the NFT idea. Whether Kalra’s Rs-2,000 note paintings or Siraj Hassan’s ‘Caged’ series, ‘crypto art’ is giving artists a new canvas — it’s digital, unique, non-transactionable, and perfect for the Metaverse era. It guarantees you have an artist’s original piece because it comes with their digital signature. Artists who have been using software to produce art for years had no way ofensuringits afterlife or exclusivity to a buyer. Now, an NFT painting can hang on your digital wall and be completely yours.

What can be sold as NFT art

We take a look at the current state of NFT art, its history, and its potential. And because NFTs are purchased using digital currencies and operate on the blockchain, any transaction involving its sell or purchase is recorded on a public ledger. The best part is that the blockchain is a public ledger that’s available for anyone to see. This means that if you are looking to purchase a non-fungible token art, you can easily view all purchase history to trace the item’s ownership. With NFTs, it’s a bit different as the artworks get tokenized, resulting in the creation of a digital ownership certificate that grants one the rights to sell and buy the unique item.

In March 2021 Mike Winkelmann called NFTs an “irrational exuberance bubble”. By mid-April 2021, demand subsided, causing prices to fall significantly. In December 2021, Ubisoft announced Ubisoft Quartz, “an NFT initiative which allows people to buy artificially scarce digital items using cryptocurrency”. The announcement was heavily criticized by audiences, with the Quartz announcement video attaining a dislike ratio of 96% on YouTube. The announcement was also criticized internally by Ubisoft developers.

Next, you’ll need to create a smart contract that allows the artwork to be transferred between users. Finally, you’ll need to find a way to sell the artwork online. Though it makes it possible for artists and creators to more easily sell their digital and non-digital art, nothing stops someone from creating an NFT for an artwork they didn’t create. So, basically, someone can steal your artwork, mint it as NFT and sell it without you even knowing about it. One reason Beeple’s work sold so high was because it included an NFT, or non-fungible token.

How to Create and Sell NFT Artwork

One-of-a-kind NFT art helps artists prove ownership of their art. While anyone can print a fake Monet, original Monet paintings are rare and have documentation that authenticates their history, creator, and appraisal value. Ether is your token / currency that is required in order to start any sort of transaction. Both the sellers and buyers can definitively prove the artwork is genuine.

What can be sold as NFT art

In October 2021, Valve Corporation banned applications from their Steam platform if those applications use blockchain technology or NFTs to exchange value or game artifacts. So, if you are looking to market your artwork to a large audience in hopes that you’ll sell it quickly, Ethereum marketplaces are your best bet. Although the sales volume of marketplaces may not be the first thing you look at, it should be something you take into consideration. Arguably, NFT marketplaces with higher sales volume have more collectors on them. By emphasizing the digital ownership aspect of collecting NFTs, KnownOrigin has curated a marketplace that hosts some of the most respected artists such as XCOPY, Hackatao, and Sabet. Mintable NFT marketplace featuresMintable allows you to sell your artwork in a simple fashion even if you’ve never done it before.

Selling an NFT art on OpenSea

In the last year or so, a virtual army of artists has walked out from the invisible dungeons to claim their worth using blockchain technology. Artists no longer have to rely on middlemen or wait for years to make their first sale. The advent of free-floating digital creation like NFT has democratised the art market for artists across ages. It is a level playing field,” says Shreya Daffney, a 29-year-old artist and architect, who has sold over 30 artworks in the last five years.

With greater democratization of art comes increased diversity and representation. Because blockchain transactions remove the need for third-party mediation, buyers can support their favorite artists directly. This means more creative freedom and independence for artists who what does nft mean no longer need to concede to traditional business models. They represent real-world things like artwork, music, memes, images, videos, GIFs, and avatars. They are encoded with blockchain technology that contains built-in authentication and acts as proof of ownership.

The current state of NFT art

Plus it might be a cool perk for a buyer, but this would only be of value to someone who really understood NFT’s. You can make any – or at least most – digital content into an NFT. Though it seems pretty confusing at first glance, let me assure you that it is an easy process but you need to go through some steps to make it happen.

Some of these may require approval of your artwork before placing it on their platform. Make sure to choose the platform or platforms that best suit your needs and budget. An NFT contains information about who owns the artwork, which is stored on a shared ledger – the blockchain.

Advanced knowledge of agile methodologies, Lean methodology, Digital Marketing, budgeting and data analysis. One of the most remarkable details about Non-Fungible Token sales was related to the works of the American artist Beeple. The artist, who sold a collage of his works for about $ 70 million, as well as a video of a dunk by NBA star LeBron James, found a buyer for $ 77 thousand. The ERC-1155 standard offers “semi-fungibility”, as well as providing an analogue to ERC-721 functionality (meaning that an ERC-721 asset can be built using ERC-1155). Assets of the same class are interchangeable, and a user can transfer any amount of assets to others. But, most of the marketplaces on this list either use their own smart contract or give you the tools to create your own without needing to know how to code.

Top Tips for Creating Successful and Popular NFT Artwork

By comparison, that’s a few billion dollars shy of the traditional art market’s value, which the Art Basel and UBS Art Market Report recorded to have reached $50 billion in 2020. While the estimates differ, there’s no denying that NFT art sales have surged beyond expectation. Interestingly, the buyer of Quantum also sold an NFT from his own collection during the same auction for $11.8 million. Generative art is created using algorithms and a set of predetermined rules that a software program can follow on behalf of the artist to generate a piece of digital art. Generative art is, therefore, also often referred to as algorithmic art. These types of artworks also exist in NFT format, created using smart contracts and stored on-chain.

Connect wallet to an NFT marketplace

There are a few different crypto wallets that have gained popularity over the last few years, including Coinbase, Exodus, Electrum, and Metamask. Wallets let people interact with the blockchain using their cryptocurrency, for things like buying and selling NFTs, or exchanging crypto. NFTs have already proven quite lucrative, even if you are not a well-known artist. They still require you to market your work and drive traffic to your NFT platform, but if done correctly, you could greatly benefit from your digital and physical artwork. Some platforms like OpenSea offer all ranges of NFTs, from artwork and music to domain names and games. Other platforms are more specialized like SuperRare or KnownOrigin where you can only sell digital art and collectibles.